Category Archives: On Faith

Apologetics, Theology, and Exposition

When You Don’t Understand, Stand

Sometimes out of nowhere, it seems, a Bible verse strikes my heart like an arrow shot from God’s bow. This recently happened with a phrase from Ephesians 6:13: “and having done everything, to stand firm.” Often the cry of my … Continue reading

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God’s Still, Small Voice

It has been a year since Peter died. No waves of grief swept over me on this melancholy anniversary, only mild surprise that a year had passed. Perhaps I am numb from all the other losses. When grief is piled … Continue reading

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Recently, I preached badly on the hope of glory. No matter how many analogies or metaphors I grabbed, none seemed to communicate the power and joy of sharing God’s glory. It felt like I was trying to kindle a fire … Continue reading

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This Too is a Gift

Sometimes, most times, I leave the place of prayer feeling empty. I leave having not felt the presence of God and having not heard his voice. For several reasons I am reluctant to say this out loud. First, such a … Continue reading

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Kicking Job Out of Church

I am convinced that anyone who speaks and acts like Job would be kicked out of most churches today—even those, perhaps especially those, that proclaim the Bible their authority. They might be right to do so. He certainly is someone … Continue reading

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Ari and Dead People

Ari has now been church enough to hear about the resurrection, but most of his questions come from visits to his Dad’s grave. Near Peter’s grave are the graves of my brother, Stanley, and my mother and father. Our hunt … Continue reading

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A Believing Wife

Teckla caught me writing this and said, “I am not worth writing about.” I will write about her anyway because there was a scene in the video series The Chosen that perfectly expressed why I love her so much and … Continue reading

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Washing the Trailblazer with Ari

Saturday the rain finally let up, and we had enough sun to wash the Trailblazer. Here in Myrtle Point if not washed regularly, your car will begin to grow lichen and moss, especially if parked under a myrtle tree. So … Continue reading

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Kansas City Prophets and Global Warming

During my years living in Olathe and Kansas City, I had a bird’s eye view of the prophetic movement in Kansas City. I got to see the good, the bad, and the merely confusing. As one deeply concerned about our … Continue reading

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Mowing with Ari

Ari and I mowed the lawn yesterday. We have had weeks of rain and high humidity. The grass here near the coast of Oregon grows even in the winter. Our grass was tall and tangled, and even though it had … Continue reading

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