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Category Archives: On Faith
The Porch and Mudroom of Heaven
Is this all there is? What happened to all the dreams of revival? All the hopes for our children? I am 71 and it seems like life has gone by in the blink of an eye. So many prayers prayed! … Continue reading
A Tale of Two Tales
With great insight and common sense, Sam explains to Frodo that there are two types of tales. The first is the kind Bilbo had when he left the Shire and then returned well and wealthy—tales of “coming home and finding … Continue reading
Faramir and Hope
A line spoken by Faramir, in The Lord of Rings, pierced my heart and grief. Although full of Christian truths and values, The Lord of the Rings is not, Tolkien insists, a Christian allegory. Middle earth is perhaps best understood … Continue reading
Getting Ready
In the midst of her dementia, the purity and simplicity of Teckla’s faith makes familiar truths as sharp as a newly forged sword. She has good and bad days. One morning this week she was troubled by a lot of … Continue reading
Grim and Fell
I think all I have gone through has left me grim and (to use an archaic word) fell. This may be good. Experience and Scripture have left me realistic (grim) about walking faithfully with God. In the last ten years, … Continue reading
Haunted by the Widow
Even before I realized it was Halloween, I had this title stuck in my head. Teckla and I have been asking God to use us in Kansas. In the past, I have found the prayer, “God, please use me,” dangerous. … Continue reading
By Their Fruit
I am relearning the trees of eastern Kansas and western Missouri. It is a formidable task. There are about nineteen species of oak trees. Some like the willow and shingle oak have leaves that look nothing like an oak. There … Continue reading
Faith Keepers: A Manifesto
My son Dylan recently said to me, “Dad, I want you to finish strong.” His senior pastor, who was retiring, had preached a sermon on the importance of ending one’s life full of faith. Dylan was right to be worried. … Continue reading
Posted in Life, On Faith
Tagged fighting the good fight, keeping the faith, old farts
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