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Tag Archives: Jesus
And They Were Afraid
This is, we are told in Luke, the response of the townspeople to seeing the man called Legion in his right mind. He certainly seems more frightening before having met Jesus. He was naked, living in tombs, able to break … Continue reading
Gone, Forgotten, and Remembered
One of the platitudes slung about at funerals is that the dead person will live on in our memories. It is mostly, or eventually, a lie. The people with the memories will soon die too. Of course, there may be … Continue reading
Why I Don’t Write About Teckla
Teckla has pointed out that she is seldom the subject of my blogs. It is true. Teckla, and our marriage are hard for me to write about. Here are a few reasons. First, our lives and hearts are so intertwined … Continue reading
But You Love Jesus, Right?
Most Christians have been alerted to lies against the love of God. This lie lays siege to our faith on different fronts. Sometimes it attacks by insisting that God could never love someone as insignificant and mired in sin as … Continue reading
Every Man an Addict
With his pants around his ankles and hands clutching his chest, he staggered down the sidewalk along Highway 101 in Coos Bay. Driving home from the college, I often see the homeless and the addicts that camp in the woods … Continue reading
He, However
These first two words of Luke 8:54 have been echoing in my heart and challenging my mind for several weeks. These words come at the end of the story of Jairus and his sick 12-year-old daughter—his only child. Jairus was … Continue reading
Nietzsche, Tom Bombadil and the Stronger Song.
Friedrich Nietzsche famously said of the church: “They would have to sing better songs to make me believe in their Redeemer.” Although wrong about much, Nietzsche is right about framing belief and salvation as contest of songs. J.R.R. Tolkien also … Continue reading
Peter, Jesus, and Church Kids
The story of Peter and Jesus breaks my heart and gives me hope. Peter, like a lot of church kids, was full of promise. Jesus spoke a prophetic word over him, proclaiming that he would become a fisher of men. … Continue reading
Posted in Fathers and Sons, On Faith, Uncategorized
Tagged Church Kids, Jesus, Peter, Prodigals
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Anxiety and the Disciplines of Grace
Should a believer who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks medicate or meditate? I don’t know. I know those for whom medication has worked well and those who never feel quite themselves on medication. There is also the danger that … Continue reading
Posted in Culture, On Faith, Uncategorized
Tagged Grace, Jesus, overcoming anxiety, spiritual disciplines
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Dear Friend,
When you were a little kid playing at the church, I never imagined I would someday be praying for you to kick your heroin addiction. It seems that one year you did a weird church program we had—Caravans or something. … Continue reading